Oracy: skills for learning and skills for life
Oracy Toolkit
The Oracy Toolkit is for assessing how well children of 11-12 years old can use spoken English for different purposes and in different contexts. This age group corresponds with the first year of secondary school in most schools in the UK (and in many other countries), and one reason for focusing on this age group is so that teachers can make an initial assessment of their new intake as they arrive in school. Teachers will build up an ‘oracy profile’ for their students specifying their strengths and weaknesses and planning ways of helping their students develop their skills. The same students could be assessed again, at the end of that school year, to see the areas in which they had made progress. The toolkit is designed for assessing all students as speakers of English, and not just those for whom English is a second language.
Please visit our Oracy Toolkit website at the University of Cambridge Faculty of Education.
Oracy Cambridge
Oracy Cambridge is based at Hughes Hall, in the University of Cambridge. Their aim is to promote oracy in schools an in the wider society. Their work includes writing papers for governments and other organisations, providing training and consultancy for schools, and organising conferences.
Please also visit Oracy Cambridge for more information about developing oracy education.