Key Stage 3
Thinking Together at KS3
A joint Milton Keynes-Open University project for raising achievement in English and foundation subjects.
This is a 3 year project in which a team from the Open University and De Montfort University Bedford are working with MK Council Learning and Development Directorate and MK teachers of Years 8 and 9 in two MK secondary schools. The project will develop and implement a 'Thinking Together' programme for teaching communication and thinking skills, and enabling students to apply these to their study of English and foundation subjects. Based on earlier successful research in MK schools, this is expected to significantly raise standards of achievement at KS3. The impact of the project will be formally evaluated by the OU/DMU team.
Researchers: Neil Mercer, Lyn Dawes (De Montfort), Karen Littleton, Rupert Wegerif.
Funded by: Milton Keynes Council.