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Thinking Together around ICT in the Primary Mathematics Curriculum: Improving Classroom Practice

This project builds on the finding of the Language, Thinking and ICT in the Primary Curriculum project that the use of ICT in mathematics at KS2 can be improved by explicitly teaching children how to reason together. The project is a collaboration between an Open University research team and SMILE Mathematics to convert this research finding into changes in classroom practice. We propose to:

  • develop detailed guidelines, lesson plans and a professional development pack for use with SMILE software at KS2;
  • evaluate the effectiveness of using the professional development pack in combination with the new guidelines, lesson plans and a new collaborative range of SMILE software (as well as existing activities);
  • disseminate then findings and the products of the project in such a way as to have the maximum possible impact on the way that ICT is used to help teach mathematics at KS2

Researchers: Rupert Wegerif, Claire Sams, Frank Monaghan, Karen Littleton and Neil Mercer with the SMILE development team.


Funded by The Nuffield Foundation.